Balance help
Account Information
- Available Amount$4,540.70
- Credit Limit$5,000.00
- Account333
- DescriptionULTRA REWARDS
- Date Opened3/4/2018
- Account NicknameNone Specified
Card & Statement Information
- Card Number•••• •••• •••• 1234
- Statement Balance$437.98
- Amount Due$100.00
- Regular Payment$100.00
- Minimum Amount Due$25.00
- Payment Due Date3/14/2020
- DelinquentNo
- Last Statement Date3/1/2020
- Last Payment Amount$96.87
errorNOTE: If the Balance shows as a negative number, such as —$50.00, this amount is being added to the disbursement limit. It represents an overpayment on the account, such as if you paid extra to increase your credit limit temporarily or because of a refund for returned merchandise or other reason.